S.E.R.E Test 3
- Ipecac syrup is used to induce vomiting after swallowing poison for example. Two tablespoons with two 8-oz glasses of water usually will get the job done. The charcoal powder is poured into water and brought to a low, slow boil if possible and made into a "slurry." Then it is drank and it absorbs toxins in the stomach and intestines. It can be made in the field with charcoal right out of the fire by grinding it up into a fine powder. It is used to help remedy gastrointestinal problems also.
- The most important step in wound management is cleaning the wound, the more fresh water that can be pumped into or onto the wound the better off it is. Adding just a small portion of iodine or betadine solutions helps kill even more bacteria. 1 to 9-mix ratio iodine to water.
- When mixed they are used as a topical anti-biotic (lots of sugar and a little diluted poividine-iodine).
- Bandaged, when ever you see a scab you know that bacteria has entered that wound, which is almost always. The body rushes fluids to the site to fight those invading bacteria hence the scab is formed by the body. What you want is proper skin healing with no scab, the longer that scab is there, the higher your risk to infection. In the concrete world it seems like no big deal, so you pick at the scab just for the fun of it. You know, because you have always been a little twisted since you were a kid. In the world of chaos and mayhem it can kill you or cause you to loose a limb. The dirt in your backyard that you played in when you were a kid was relatively clean compared to the dirt in third world countries. In the modern medical world amputations are very, very low compare to 30 years ago. But in 1993 the Delta and Ranger force that went to battle in Somalia ended up with a higher rate of amputations due to the bacteria and diseased laden dirt in the streets of that third world toilet.
- Let it bleed. Apply an EXTRACTOR snakebite plunger to the site for 20 mins. Stepping on a nail or punji stake is considered a puncture wound, just incase you were wondering.
- It is a solid layer of hydrogel and polyethylene that is placed on a blister site or burn site or weeping wound. Then a bandage is wrapped over that.
- Lots of cool water baths, 30 min isn’t too long.
- Leave it there. The wound has been cleaned as well as possible with water solutions and even mild soaps. If you pull it away you will cause bleeding and have a deeper wound than the original.
- 9% It is good to know how a burn victim is examined because you maybe the guy/gal treating him and describing the seen over the radio.
- 9%
- 36%
- 9%
- Every day.
- Triple anti-biotic ointment.
- By placing WARM rocks in your boots and stuffing dry tinder ball material in them to absorb any moisture.
- The fibers are called sinew and they make great cordage.
- Strip it off, you need the fibrous insides.
- If it is pounded on a rock surface it will damage the fibers. So smack it with wood mallet on wood.
- Drying and pounding.
- Pine boughs or green leaves and rubber tires.
- It speeds you on the way to hypothermia. Melt it, warm it, drink it.
- By improvising sunglasses. Once it happens you are screwed. And it usually comes on when you wake up from sleeping. It is a sun burning of the cornea and all that cool eye stuff that allows you to see. It can take days and days to heal, in that time you are blind and unable to tend to your needs. Make the glasses as soon as possible.
- So that no drips will form on any ridges in the ceiling.
- Being properly hydrated is how the body maintains correct circulation. Reduced circulation to the digits means frostbite. Most grunts do not see the connections between putting liquid in the body to prevent frostbite. If water on your shin makes you cold how could water in you body help keep you warm. It does, so take our word on it.
- Breathing into your sleeping bag in severe temperatures can cause condensation to form in the insulation of your sleeping bag and freeze. These ice crystals build up over extended periods.
- Descending the mountain, sometimes just a 1000 feet or so.
- High Altitude Pulmonary Edema, fluid build up in the lungs.
- High Altitude Cerebral Edema, fluid on the brain.
- Drug use to prevent malaria. Take one tablet per week, starting 1 week before going into the bush and continue for 4 weeks after leaving.
- Place very warm hands directly on white spots until they turn pink again. Or place the frost-nipped part on other parts of the warmed body.
- Big ball of snow stuck on a stick and propped up next to fire. It drips into a cup as it melts.
- Light the flare and jam it into a pre-assembled fire assembly that is ready to be lit and already has the green material on top of the dry fire producing lumber (dry stuff).
- Cold water in cold conditions. The water freezes when coming through the filter. Tea colored water that has a high organic material content to it.
- Clear, not colored or milky.
- Because that spot out in the middle of the river maybe the only open area that a SAR bird can see you. Smoke is easily trapped under the jungle canopy.
- Shovel and snow saw.
- Ember port or coal port or dust port. This is where the hot dust is collected and comes in contact with the tinder.
- An improvised stove channels the heat directly at the food and saves firewood by about 4 times. If the survivor has the time and materials build a stove.
- The minimum is 5 gal. per person per day. That is without any physical effort put out. 10 gallons with mild physical effort per person per day.
- As an emergency only: 1 MRE per day for 5 days.
- As an emergency only: 3 MRE main portions per day for 5 days.
- Any large light colored tarp type material that can be used for shade shelter.
- 3-4 full coconuts
- Shellfish are best cook in a damp sand fire pit with a layer of leaves on top and bottom of the food and then covered over with sand. Or boiled in saltwater.
- Cooked in a hot bath that is almost ready to boil.
- Crack the snail shell and clean the meat, then add them to soup.
- A Come-A- Long and a high lift jack.
- By running the AC unit while driving or a lack of equal parts of coolant and water in the radiator.
- Flint rod and fishing hooks.
- It’s a trick question, don’t leave the vehicle!
- At least two; one attached to the outside of the raft, not the one that comes with the raft. And another one stored on the deck at all times that will float and is strapped down.
- Five primary: If your raft doesn’t have a roof then a tarp of some kind is in order. signal kit (signal mirror and aerial flares), solar still(s), raft repair plugs, fishing kit to include a small spear gun, knife. Secondary: water, food, navigational charts and equipment, cutting board, bail bucket, VHF radio and GPS.
- Grab the ditch bag then inflate the raft. This is easier said than done. When a person has made the big decision to bail out the next new vessel is on your mind first. If some how you get off that boat without the ditch bag it could mean your death.
- That it is waterproof and floats. Attaching a life jacket to it permanently is a good idea.
- Black and white but the most important is shiny stainless, silver and copper.
- A pre-positioned pile of damp leaves tossed onto a raging fire.
- Without a light source, such as a flashlight or torch, the jungles sheer level of darkness is an accident waiting to happen. The risk of stepping on or near a highly poisonous reptile is another possibility.
- It doesn’t matter about the time of day/month/year you always go down stream.
- Close to the beach is where the ocean breeze blows the most. And just inside the tree line for shelter and shade.
- Cooking in a shallow pit in the beach sand, with the food wrapped leaves on the coals and covered over with a layer of sand.
- Use 100-mph tape around the boot tops with the pant legs tucked in. Then tape over the bootlace eyelets. Small leeches make their way in through these small portholes.
- The long shallow growing spruce roots that are best used for cordage. It is very strong.
- Curry powder or any type of hot spice is very useful for numbing the taste buds to the ever-bland "survival" taste of food in the field.
- Never run. It excites them and you don’t have a chance of out running one.
- The hand drill is basically a fire shaft and a fireboard. The shaft is 10-12 inches long. It’s held between the palms of the hands and twirled between them. The hands push down on the shaft as the shaft is put into motion. This downward pressure moves the hands down the shaft to the fireboard. Then you stop and without moving the shaft from the board you reposition your hands at the top of the shaft and set it into motion over and over until the smoldering dust appears.
- If you breathe through your mouth it dries out and uses much needed fluids. Its just one of those little things that will speed you to your death that much faster. The devil is in the details.
- A 330-body grip.
- Drop and play dead or get large and scream and shout and jump up high.
- It is usually built to dry out thick wet wood with the teepee fire that burns in the middle.
- By whittling down to the middle of a dead piece of wood you can pile up a large ball of shavings.
- First you will warm up the canister by putting it into your parka close but not on your skin. Then you will place some kind of base material down so that it doesn’t have direct contact with the snow (cardboard, sticks, etc.). When you pull the canister out of your parka it should wrapped with an insulator (chunk of sleeping mat or a scarf, towel, etc).
- If you are in snow covered terrain then the obvious is to build snow block walls higher than the tent. If you are in wooded terrain a enlarged debris hut shelter frame is built over the tent and covered in natural insulation.

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