S.E.R.E Test 3
- What is Ipecac and charcoal powder used for?
- What is the most important step in wound management?
- Povidine-iodine and sugar are used for what?
- Which method is better for wound management and advances proper healing? bandaged or open air?
- How best do you irrigate a puncture wound?
- What is Spenco 2nd Skin?
- First step to treating a burn is?
- After cleaning the wound what should you do to any debris stuck to the burn site?
- What percentage of the body is burned if an entire arm is damaged?
- What is the burn percentage if the front of the leg is damaged?
- What is the burn percentage if the damage is to the chest and upper back?
- The entire head?
- How often should a burn wound be cleaned and dressed?
- What type of ointment is best for speeding the healing process of wounds?
- What is the best way to dry the insides of your boots when out in the field?
- The white fiber strands from the leg or spine muscles of a hooved animal can be made into what very essential item?
- What do you do with the clear sheath that encapsulates sinew fibers?
- Why is sinew pounded on a wooden surface?
- Newly extracted sinew needs to have what process done to it to obtain the end product?
- Signaling aircraft with a signal fire takes large amounts of billowing smoke what are two of the best materials for this task?
- Eating snow does what for your body?
- How do you prevent snow blindness?
- Why is the ceiling of a snow cave shelter rounded?
- How does hydration help to fend off cold weather injuries?
- If returning from an Arctic region your sleeping bag weighs 20 lbs. what is probably the cause of this?
- What is the cure for AMS (acute mountain sickness)?
- What is H.A.P.E?
- What is H.A.C.E?
- What is Aralen ( chloroquine) used for?
- What is the best way to revive frost nipped digits?
- What is a snow marsh mellow?
- How is a hand flare best used to signal aircraft during the day when on land?
- What water types will shut down a pump water purifier?
- Water taken from vines should be what color?
- Why would you build a fire platform in the middle of a stream or river? (has nothing to do with a swamp platform)
- What is the #1 tool when going into a snow covered mountainous region (next to an avalanche beacon)?
- What is the name of the port on the bamboo fire saw and why is it there?
- What good is an improvised stove to a survivor? (metal bucket, wreckage material, piled rocks, etc.)
- How much water should be carried in a vehicle when traveling in desert terrain?
- How much food should be carried as EMERGENCY rations in a vehicle when traveling through desert terrain?
- How much EMERGENCY chow should be carried in a vehicle when traveling through mountainous terrain in the winter?
- What is the second most important emergency equipment next to water that should be in your vehicle when traveling through desert terrain? (Hint: use the rule of threes)
- On average how much coconut juice is safe to drink in one day?
- Shellfish are best cooked how (muscles, crabs, oysters, clams, etc)?
- Crawdads are best cooked how?
- How are snails best prepared in the field?
- What are two very important vehicle extraction devices? (winch is good but isn’t common try again)
- The most common way of over heating a vehicle in the desert is?
- Two most important items carried in a hollow handled knife?
- What is the number one rule of rescue if you are stranded at your vehicle and you believe a SAR operation has not been set into motion?
- How many ditch bags with the same contents should be on a boat (standard ocean going pleasure craft)?
- What are the 5 primary items in a ditch bag? There are more items of course.
- Should the raft be inflated and waiting before you grab the ditch bag or after?
- What are two characteristics of a good ditch bag? (the container not contents)
- What are the best colors of lures to carry in a salt-water fishing kit?
- You are stranded in a hard wood forest with a few inches of snow on the ground. You have your shelter built and a raging fire going, then you see a SAR chopper flying low across the horizon. Its time to make an attempt to signal him but you do not have a signal mirror. Your best bet is the fire without man made products or green leaves how do you get his attention?
- You are stranded in a rain forest, what is a better than "good" reason that you should limit your travels to the daylight hours?
- You have been fighting your way through thick vegetation and come to a river or large stream. Its 1300 hrs, in the month of June and you are south of the equator which way do you go on the river?
- The survivor finds himself/herself on a desert island enjoying a coconut diet and tropical sunsets. Why does he/she set up his shelter just inside of the tree line on the ocean edge?
- Same desert island, what is probably going to be your best cooking method for all of the your edible bounty? The word "best" refers more to making the food palatable?
- What is the best technique to keep leeches out of your pants and shoes? (before you leave the barracks)
- What is known as “back woodsman’s wire?”
- What is a good spice to carry in your kit for wilderness chows?
- You just came face to face with a bear of any type or color what do you not do?
- What it the “hand-drill” technique?
- What is the reason that we tell people to keep their mouth shut when they are in a desert environment?
- What size of Coniber “body grip” trap are you most likely to use for beaver?
- What are your actions if you are charged by a bear?
- What is the primary reason that you would use a “log cabin” fire set up?
- If there is no dry tinder to be found to build a fire, what is the next probable technique if you have a knife?
- You are above the tree line and highly prepared. You need hot fluids in your body so you reach into your ruck and pull out your isobutane-backpacking stove. How are you going to prep the unit before firing it up?
- How do you insulate a tent with natural materials in extreme cold temperatures and high winds?

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