S.E.R.E. TEST 2 Answers
- An international search and rescue system that uses satellites to detect and locate emergency beacons.
- An electronic device that when activated, emits a signal that can be tracked by rescue agencies to pin point the devices location.
- Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon.
- It is a brightly colored ribbon of cloth nylon based material (usually) that can be rolled out on top of the ground or water to signal SAR assets.
- Do what ever it takes to move out of the path of the weapons possible bullet path.
- The barrel is pushed down if possible and the butt stock is ripped up and back toward you.
- His weapon is no longer in his possession and no longer a danger to the escapee. Its either in your hand and pointed at him or you have thrown it so far that he would have to search for it.
- The situation dictates so there are no hard fast rules. If there is a danger of being recaptured immediately then killing a pursuer could motivate a "shoot on sight" mentality among other pursuers. Never abandon your firearm. Holstering it or slinging it on your back presents a less lethal picture to a pursuer, which greatly decreases the "shoot on sight" mentality. Again that is not a hard fast rule just something to consider. In a mob situation one round can part the sea of would-be captors. Case study shows that when faced with an overwhelming armed force a weapon used by an evader didn’t change the out come (he/she was captured). Stealth and concealment are the
- Inflicting as many penetrating wounds to the heart and lung areas causes the body to tend to be sent into shock easier.
- Contrary to the movies and the ninja manuals when using a smaller blade, 2 inch-8 inches long (which is what 99% of soldiers carry) deep penetration to the lower back area, 2 inches from either side of the spine (kidney area). The more that the target is ventilated the more air that can get in, the more blood can get out. Penetration in this area causes massive shock to the nervous system. Then you can follow up with whatever ninja commando throat and neck surgery that comes to mind. Talk to paramedics about blood lost on stabbing victims and car accidents. People do not always pass out after 30 seconds of massive blood loss. Many drive themselves to the hospital or walk to the ambulance. Sending the body into shock as fast as possible becomes paramount.
- To the side of the neck with a full force swing of a machete sized blade. The effect is evident.
- Grab him by the back of the neck and pull him down close to you. Rip his ear off or bite the tip of his nose off or and shove a thumb deep into his eye socket. Then let him go immediately so that he can escape from your onslaught. Raise you legs up, place your feet flat on the ground as close to your butt as possible and then do a massive pelvic thrust straight up. It will help launch him off of you WWF style.
- You set on his chest as close to his chin as possible and bury your knees under his armpits. Then pound his cranium into a bloody stub.
- Grab the top back of the opponents head with one hand and this chin with the other and with a sharp powerful motion, his head is turn as far as it will go to the left or right. When the motion is finished he should just about be looking behind himself.
- This is a desperation technique. Concealment and stealth are the evader’s best weapon. If a shot has to be taken the first should be a well-aimed shot at close range to the back of the targets head. Practice, practice, and more practice with that handgun at elevations.
- All multiple center mass body shots.
- Do not take the shot when the pursuers are moving in a file. You only take the shot when they are moving online and you need to create a hole to escapee desperately.
- The first answer that most shooters come up with is when the strong hand is incapacitated. That would be the last possible correct answer, because a professional gunman (soldier, police, protection agent, etc.) should be switching his/her grip every time he takes a corner. Right-hand corner, weapon is in the left hand, Left-hand corner, weapon is in the right hand. Other reasons maybe when carrying equipment over the shoulder while on the run or dragging a downed comrade. Or when carrying a flashlight and opening doors.
- Hafting is the process of creating and attaching handles on tools.
- By using baited net traps.
- A cast net. This is an awesome piece of equipment but heavy.
- Medium Sized animals (coon, possum, martin, etc.)
- #110 for small game.
- By boiling it.
- Drying it out and using it for cordage making material.
- In the field, it is best boiled in soup.
- As a thickener for soup or for cordage.
- Is part of processing hides to tan them.
- The fall.
- National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
- Broadcasting worldwide weather conditions and emergency information.
- A process of boiling or rinsing something (ex. acorns) through many changes of water.
- With a snare pole and spotlight.
- Trot line.
- Fried.
- Poison ivy relief.
- As a roof for a snow block shelter or as ground cover in a snow trench shelter.
- To float the metal particles out of the stones surface.
- Smacking on the back or head with a club.
- Three leaves and there is 26 know and many, many more cross breeds.
- Washing with soap and water 6-7 times a day. The stronger the soap the better, dish washing soap works the best.
- This is where the animal is cut at his hind legs first and the hide is pulled down and off of the body wrong side out. It ends up sock or tube looking.
- For a handle to pull the guts down and out of the body cavity.
- The insides make a good fire starter and a good source of char cloth.
- By boiling the acorns and using the left over leaching water as a medicine.
- From the star that makes up the tip of the cup on the other side from the handle.
- A "W".
- When a spring snare is needed and there isn’t any saplings to bend over or no trees close enough to use a counter weight.
- By dipping in wax, lacquer, or hair spray.
- The deadfall itself and the small horizontal anchor stick.
- Dried pounded meat, berries and suet.
- Percussion flaking is a technique where a rock is struck with a hard object, to flake off parts of the rock and shape out a blade or arrowhead.
- Pressure flaking is a technique where applied pressure is used to flake away pieces of a rock to shape out a blade or arrowhead. Pointed tools such as an antler tip or nail is used to press against the edge of the rock to cause flaking.
- I should ask myself 1. How am I going to breach the Cell or bindings (handcuffs, chains, ropes), 2. the Cell House, 3. the Sentries or Security Assets, 4. the Compound, and 5. the Enemy Search and Recovery Elements.
- What do I need to take with me? Water, food, clothing, maps or radios and tools (blade, flares, firearms, etc.)
- Study everything about the guards movements throughout the prison and their daily operational routine.
- Can I or we rush the guard and take them down silently (its been done before)? How will I dig, cut, crash, climb or talk my way out of any of the 5 obstacles?

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