- What does an EPIRB do?
- What does EPIRB stand for?
- What is a "rescue ribbon" and how is it deployed?
- When confronted with a firearm at close range, (barrel to body contact out to arms length) what is the first rule of escape and attack?
- The buttstock of a longarm is directed in what direction when freeing it from an aggressor?
- When battling against an armed aggressor, he is not immobilized until what? (the final answers is when he is "dead" what happens before that).
- What is the number one reason that an evader would not want to dispatch a "disarmed" aggressor?
- When attacking an aggressor from the front with a blade the primary target is where? (don’t get creative)
- When attacking from the rear the target is where?
- From the rear with a heavy blade?
- You’re wrestling face to face with a pursuer, he is bigger and stronger than you and is on top of you. How do you start your escape?
- You are on top of him, how do you keep him from launching you off WWF style before you get the chance to pommel him unconscious?
- What is a neck crank?
- You are being pursued. You have taken a high post and set up for a rear shot with your handgun. The pursuers pass you, so your first 10-yard shot is at what target area of on the pursuer?
- Your second shot is where on the 2nd closest target?
- You avoid the high post rear shot when?
- What is the tactical importance of training to be a proficient ambidextrous pistol shooter? (not just familiar, but proficient).
- What is hafting?
- What is the most productive way to take common birds (robins, sparrows, starlings, etc)? (hint: it doesn’t have anything to do with a snare or fish hook)
- What fish catching device offers the best chance of return for the effort? (its not explosives)
- What size of animals is a #220 Conibear trap used on?
- Which Conibear would mostly be carried in a kit carried in a ruck or in a vehicle?
- How is the "sting" taken out of stinging nettle so that it is rendered edible?
- Besides being edible what other use is sting nettle very useful for?
- What is the best way to prepare "tough" game to eat, such as coon, squirrel, turtle etc?
- Edible berries are best used for what? (method of preparation)
- Fleshing is part of what process?
- Cattail roots are biggest and best harvested during what season?
- What does NOAA stand for?
- What is one of its primary tasks?
- What is leaching?
- Small Caimans and alligators are best captured how?
- What is the most effective line set for fishing?
- How is blubber best prepared?
- Crushed flowers from the Jewel weed is used for what?
- When in arctic conditions how is a poncho, parachute, tarp of sheet material best used for shelter purposes? (think of the most common insulating material in the area)
- Why is water or oil used on a whetstone?
- What is the best method for taking a snake?
- How many leaves does poison ivy have and how many types of this plant are there?
- Best treatment of poison ivy in the field without using medicinal plants?
- What is cased skinning?
- What is the windpipe used for when gutting a deer?
- What is another use for a military field dressing that is not medical related?
- How is an antiseptic made from acorns?
- North is found by going off of what part of the Big Dipper?
- Cassiopeia forms the shape of what?
- A fulcrum snare is used under what conditions?
- How are wooden matches best waterproofed?
- The trigger stick on a Paiute deadfall is usually wedged between to parts of the trap what are they?
- What are the main ingredients of Pemmican that is made in the field?
- What is percussion flaking?
- What is pressure flaking?
- What are the five obstacles of escape?
- What general needs do you have to consider before escape?
- What is your number one point of interest when doing the recon to plan your escape?
- What questions should you ask yourself to plan for the 5 obstacles?

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