Written Test 1
The written test is a three-part test, each consisting of 100 questions. The goal of the test is to solidify the material in the student’s brain housing group (the gray matter in the cranium). Most of the questions are easy, but many contain specific details that are introduced in the U.S. RSOG basic training manual. The other two tests are taken from both the basic manual and the advanced manual. The website user may not know the specific name of a trap trigger for example, but it is very possible that you may know the correct answer just by another name.
- What is the "Rule of the Three’s"?
- What is the formula for estimating the amount of insulation that should be used for the bedding in a shelter?
- Name four types of natural insulation used in shelter construction?
- Describe lattice in your own words?
- You have dropped into a forested environment where it is bitter cold and the temperature is dropping, you are under dressed. It is going to take time to build a shelter or a fire. What should you do in the mean time?
- What is a door plug made of and what is it used for?
- You are in a broad leaf forest (that means there are no pine trees), it is 25 F degrees and threatening rain. What type of shelter will you construct?
- What is a fire reflector? Why are they important?
- Why should you dig trenches around poncho hooches?
- Your shelter should be constructed closest to what source?
- Why do you want to get below ground level in the desert?
- How do you prep a small cave or cubby in cold weather to be used as a shelter?
- Your vehicle is caught in a snowstorm in mountainous terrain and you slide off of the road. You land upside down in a ravine. Your vehicle is stuck and you are now stranded, the snow continues to fall. A pine forest surrounds you. What are you actions to keep warm?
- You are stranded above tree-line, all you have for shelter building materials is various sizes of lose rock and patches of deep snow in shallow ravines and crevices (not crevasses). What kind of shelter do you construct?
- You are wet but have a sleeping bag and over head cover. Do you leave your wet clothes on and get in the sleeping bag or take them off?
- If you have more than four people in your stranded party what type of shelter is best with the addition of a fire?
- You are stranded in the desert with a wrecked vehicle. All you can see for miles is sand dunes and mountains in the distance. It is early morning, there is no shelter building material at hand. You need shade until dark. What do you do?
- Your client’s private jet goes down in mountainous terrain, the front of the aircraft is destroyed and buried in a snowdrift. Pilots are dead, you have no commo, or power to the rest of the aircraft. You are wearing a suit how do you stay warm? How do you attract SAR teams to your bird?
- You are on an ocean liner and it is foundering, it starts a gradual sink. You have six minutes until you have to board a lifeboat. What are the three most important things you will need in that life raft? (hint) You can get them all from any guestroom on the boat. What do garbage can liners and pillowcases have to do with it?
- What is the most important thing when building a shelter in the jungle?
- When constructing a shelter with a parachute why do you use more than one layer of material and why are they not allowed to touch each other?
- You are preparing to move away from a stranded vehicle (boat, plane, truck) and move across country. What should you scavenge from it?
- You are in a cedar or juniper forest, there isn’t any pine needle thatch to be had. What do you use for shelter material?
- How do you construct an expedient snow shelter (quick, right now, there isn’t much time to get creative type of shelter)?
- How many inches of broad leaves does it take to waterproof a shelter roof?
- How do you stop "center sag" on a poncho lean-to?
- Its 25 F degrees, you are evading capture in a European country, you have a poncho and poncho liner, how are you going to stay warm tonight without a fire in a broad leaf forest?
- What is lighter-knot? How do you know if it is lighter-knot when you find it?
- What is a tinder ball and what is it made from?
- Why do you twist and rip tinder ball material?
- If it is raining or your surroundings are damp, what natural tinder can be used in place of a tinder ball? (hint) You’ll need a knife to collect it.
- Describe a lean-to fire in your own words?
- The wind is blowing like hell, you have a big tinder ball, a teepee of dry matchstick lumber and some pencil sticks ready to light. How are you going to light your fire in this wind?
- On a bow drill the hand socket should be made out of what kinds of material and why?
- How do you lubricate the end of the fire shaft that goes in the hand socket?
- Why are there ridges on the fire shaft?
- The fireboard should be how thick?
- When the pile of black sawdust that is forming in the fire board socket notch, gives off thick smoke what has happened?
- Why is there a notch cut in the edge of the fireboard?
- How do you control the tension of the bowstring when working the device?
- What is the principle behind a fire or coal bed?
- Why do you place the lit match low, under the curve of the tinder ball when lighting it? (its not rocket science, just state the obvious)
- Never use rocks in the fire that where taken from what kind of an area? Why?
- What is the principle behind rock boiling?
- If it’s pouring down rain and you are tasked with building a fire what is your most likely plan of action? (don’t get to detailed, use common sense)
- When rock boiling in a deer hide or its equivalent why do you stake it out with so much excess hide in the hole?
- How do you use a coal or ember to start or restart a fire? (stick to the basics)
- What is the formula for chemically treating water with iodine or bleach?
- What is dew ragging?
- What tree will yield a potable liquid and has a camouflaged patterned smooth bark, with seedpods that are light brown, round, hard and slightly fuzzy?
- Never substitute what liquids for water?
- Why is there a circular trench in the bottom of a vegetation still?
- What do you make a vegetation still out of?
- Why is a vegetation still probably more important than a solar still in your survival knowledge armory? (in your on words/ there is no right answer)
- How would you render a bucket of piss (urine for any cake boys out there) potable? Two possible answers.
- When it comes time to eat in the wild places what is the "First" thing that should come to mind?
- What is a commercially made minnow trap constructed from? (go to Wal-Mart and find out)
- How many hooks should you carry in the survival kit in your ruck?
- Where would you the survivor look for bait?
- Name some unconventional sources of protein.
- What is a "trap line"?
- What is "sign"?
- How many interlocking joints on a Lincoln log figure 4?
- How does a dead fall work? (keep it simple)
- One end of a piece of cordage is tied to the trigger stick of a Rhodesian figure 4. What is the other end of the cordage tied to?
- What is a game fence?
- Why do game go into a cage trap?
- How does the cage trap capture game?
- Snares are placed in or over what?
- Why is the cage trap door propped open 2 inches?
- Why do you think that rocks are placed on top of the cage trap?
- What kind of trigger is used in the falling cage trap? How do you get the animal to trip it?
- If a coon weighs 20 pounds, how much weight does your dead fall need to be?
- The trappers widget is used for what kind of trap?
- In your words how do you think a baited den for a dead fall is built?
- Is a fish spear used to jab or throw at fish? (50/50 chance)
- Why do fish traps have vines or flexible saplings woven through the skeletal ribs?
- What are three methods of taking frogs?
- What is coal burning used for?
- How long is the boil time to purify water?
- What is pocket equipment?
- What would you pack in your ruck if going into a desert environment?
- How do you ration water? (trick question)
- Describe how you should be dressed in the desert?
- In your own words list at least 5 places that you would search for water in the desert. (keep it simple)
- Which direction should your shelter face in the desert?
- Why are binoculars useful in the desert?
- On an improvised ghillie suit, what is the camo racket made from?
- Why is a signal mirror a priority piece of equipment?
- Why carry a survival whistle?
- Why is a survival space sleeping bag so important?
- When would a poncho raft be used?
- What is a good long-term emergency food for your survival ruck?
- Why carry butane lighters instead of matches?
- In your own words give three uses for dental floss?
- What is a yucca leaf most useful for?
- What is the virus that rodents carry?
- What firearm do you believe is best suited for a survival ruck? (take in account the size)
- What type of equipment would you deploy to the jungle with?

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