Although this site is dedicated primarily to content involving S.E.R.E related subjects, about 70% of our cadres daily tasking is to hostage rescue training for law enforcement and PSD assignments. Fifteen years ago we would have used highly polished tactical vernacular to describe our training courses for this site page. Because we have been doing this long enough we just don’t feel the need to do so here.
So the short of it is this. Historically for about the past fifteen years we have only trained units that we had professional working relationships with or were referred to us by other tactical operations clients. Our training programs are geared primarily for hostage rescue situations that involve multiple hostage takers with heavy armament and multiple hostages. As an example a terrorist situation in a school, mall, public transportation center, corporate facility or power generation facility. Plus long range recovery operations that are not appropriate for a military option and those that are only military capable. The average law enforcement Special Response Team is usually not large enough to handle this type of situation, so other agencies would have to be “called out” to contain and resolve the situation. Most likely government agencies will have to assist and even possibly military units as well. Affecting a hostage rescue mission under these types of nightmarish situations utilizes a completely different operational scheme from the more common barricaded subject or narcotics raid. Agencies both large and small that have the “think outside of the box” mentality, come to train with us or we come to them. Speaking of the smaller teams, we are constantly receiving inquiries about training smaller agency’s squads. We do offer smaller departments and National Guard units “No-Charge or Low Tuition Rates” training courses for new teams that are just being established or for some of those “old teams” as well.
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Our training schedule dictates how many of these classes that we can conduct in any given training cycle. With that said, contact us and check where we are that particular business week, especially for one day courses. As of 2007 all entry-level courses and advanced tactical operations training courses are now available to those smaller units. The #1 training course that we put on for smaller rural agency teams is the “Fugitive/ Field (woodland) Search and Recovery Operations.” The second most requested block of instruction for rural teams is the “Target Surveillance and Hide Ops.” Because of the amount of feed back that we receive on this class the course description has been listed below
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Building elite hostage rescue teams with established units is our “bread and butter” though. This type of training is more complicated and takes more training hours. Most importantly it takes a group of over achievers with an elite mindset that is more comparable to an elite military unit than a law enforcement team. Getting started on that path with the right training, tactics, unconventional operational concepts and most importantly the mindset are where our cadre come into the picture. Most teams are based off of high P.T. standards and high shooting scores to enter on a team, but that just barely scratches the surface of where elite teams get started.
Course Descriptions:
Tier 1 Hostage Rescue Team Training-
This course of instruction is designed to expose teams/units to complicated rescue scenarios on a large lethal scale and plan and conduct SOCOM level rescue missions. Speed, violence of action and specialized team and individual skills are stressed. Unconventional raid operations can be chaotic at best unless teams and especially their leaders are exposed to these complexities. They may become overwhelmed and cause the deaths of hostages as well as their own warriors/officers. That is one aspect of the training, another is the forging of a standard domestic response team into a counter terrorist rescue team. Schools, buses, planes, over the road vehicles, malls, bridging complexes, business complexes and power generation facilities are all probable deployment areas which are covered in the course.
This is a 5-7 day course or 4 week-ends.
At least a 9 man team is needed for this training. We in encourage small departments to invite neighboring departments to cost-share and build up to a 40 man class.
Tuition cost vary.
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Fugitive / Field Search and Recovery Operations-
This block of instruction covers searching and operating in dense timber cover as well as tall CRP fields. These movement techniques are NOT basic infantry movement to contact formations! Military operations have troop losses factored into the battle plans. Law enforcement officer cannot afford to use rehashed military movement techniques when searching for possibly armed fugitives. We teach very specific search and movement techniques. Plus tactical engagement drills and cordon structuring. This course is 2-days in duration.
Tuition $225 per man or $1600 per 8 man squad
500 rds for long arm live fire is needed.
rain gear
hydration gear
2300 cube ruck sack
Target Surveillance and Hide Operations-
This block of instruction covers infiltration and movement techniques, special equipment, field expedient gillie suits, custom gillie suits, quick improvised hide sites, camo techniques, improvise perimeter security devices, patrol base operations and long term surveillance ops in semi-urban environments.
This course is 1-2 days in duration.
Tuition $125 per man for 1 day course $200 for 2 day course
Gillie suit or materials to build custom suit
4x10 ft. of chicken wire painted black
military poncho, 100 ft. 550 cord, 4 subdued bungees
2300 cube ruck sack
camo face paint
field gear (sleeping bag & pad)
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Copyright © 2007 U.S. RSOG